3 week Family Road Trip through Italy
We would love some great content that we can all use - so it's important that you have a good idea behind your article and/or your video and present it well. It doesn't have to be long, but it would be really useful if you include 5 pieces of information::
TRANSPORT: How did you get there?
REASON: Why was it so great?
ITINEARY: Where did you go and stay?
PRICE: Can this trip be done on several budgets?
STRETCH: How long did you stay for?
Be aware that you cannot upload a video, but only link it to youtube or vimeo. Also please choose the continent category at the end, so it'll be easier for others to find later!
Please rate your experience 1-5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 stars.
We look forward to hearing and seeing your holiday adventures - and needless to say, offensive content will not be published.